About Us

Charl and Marlene Pieterse started their footwear manufacturing business, Lasón, in 1994 with the aim to produce footwear for the South African man who has a slightly wider foot and higher instep. They aspired to produce footwear that would fit comfortably whilst keeping the outstanding Lasón quality. With this concept in mind they had shoe moulds designed and produced which allows them to manufacture their footwear in half sizes. In the early days of this family business it became clear that the quality leather that we had in mind for our footwear was not readily obtained from the local market. We at Lasón thus started our own leather tannery and today take pride in our improved outcome of over ten years’ experience in this field. The leather from their tannery resulted in a slightly thicker but soft, firm and full substance leather. Lasón’s leather is known for its durability which often results in the return of a client for the resoling of his previous purchase because of the good condition of the leather uppers. Lasón’s footwear is suitable for informal as well as formal wear. This footwear is, so to speak, suitable for veldt and church!

Company Profile

Oor Ons

Charl en Marlene Pieterse het hul skoen vervaardigingsbedryf, Lasón, in 1994 begin met die doel om veral te voorsien in die behoefte van die Suid-Afrikaanse man met die effens breër voet en hoër voetbrug. Die skoen wat ons in gedagte gehad het,moes in die eerste plek gemaklik pas, maar tegelykertyd ook duur saam wees. Met hierdie doel het ons leese laat maak, envervaardig tans skoen produkte in halwe nommers. Reeds vroeg in die bestaan van hierdie familie-onderneming was dit duidelik dat die tipe leer wat ons vir hul skoen vereis het,nie geredelik beskikbaar was nie. Lasón het daarom met sy eie leerlooiery begin en kan vandag met trots noem dat die leerlooiproses wat oor tien jaar ontwikkel is uitstekende gehalte en sterk produk vorm. Die Lason leer is effens dikker, goedgevul maar die sagte dog ferm leer maak die skoene en stewels uniek. Lasón se leer is bekend vir die duursaamheid daarvan wat dikwels tot gevolg het dat kliënte terugkom vir versolings aangesien die leer nog in ’n goeie toestand is. Lasón se stewels kan vir sowel informele as formele geleenthede gedra word. Dit is, by wyse van spreke geskik vir die veld, sowel as die kerk!

Besigheids Profiel

Koos Barnard - Magnum Magazine

“Lason products impressed me and
I am happy to recommend them. They
were comfortable from the word go and
I was ‘sold’ on them after only one day”

Buks Barnard - Proagri Tydskrif

“Elkeen wat al ’n Lason- skoen, -stewel aan sy
voet gehad het, stem opgewonde saam: Lason
is die boer se eerste keuse vir gemak, duursaamheid
en goeie smaak”  

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Email : charl@lason.co.za
Contact Us : 082 825 6962

Factory Shop

Factory Shop: 860 Marble St, Marblehall, 0450