Boots, Belts and Shoes available at Distributors and Retail stores
The Lason boots are made to accommodate the problem we as South Africans often encounter that shoes are too narrow and hurt. Lason product sizes correlate with the UK Sizes but with the advantage a comfortable boot that is slightly wider over the foot and that has a slightly higher bridge. Lason Boots also come in a half size to really accommodate the client who just can’t find comfortable footwear.
Lason Boots is gemaak vir die Suid Afrikaaner wat dikwels die probleem het om skoene te vind wat nie seer maak nie. Lason skoen groottes kan vergelyk word met “UK “ groottes maar met die voordeel dat dit effense breër is het met n hoër brug. Lason boots Hand gemaak , beste hoe kwaliteit leer is besonders gemaklik and lig aan die voet. Lason boots verseker n gemaklike stap. Ons sole hou lank en die leer is besonders sterk.
Lasón footwear are manufactured from the factory’s self tanned leather that is of a slightly thicker and softer quality than average leather but is still well filled. Lasón weekend traveling bags are of excellent quality and the leather belts are made of 4 mm thick self tanned leather and are equipped with a high quality buckle.
Die besonderse naweek sakke is hoe kwalitieit wat n leeftyd hou, Besonderse leer soos Kudu en Wildebees wat ingewerk word maak die produk besonders. Lason Leer belde is besonders, daar is baie min kleinte wat nie ten minste n belt neem met as hulle die fabriek of winkels besoek. Leer belde word gemaak van volle dikte 4 mm self gelooide Leer, Die buckle is sterk en uitstekende kwalitieit.
Email : Production Manager : 082 826 6962 Alternative number : 082 825 6962